Friday, July 15, 2016

What CAIR, Obama and even the SPLC don't want you to see...the distressingly long list of terror attacks in only 2016 and we've got nearly four and half months to go.

List of Islamic Terror: 2016 

This is part of the list of Islamic terror attacks maintained by 

During this time period, there were 1268 Islamic attacks in 50 countries, in which 11664 people were killed and 14087 injured.  

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted). 

Two locals are brutally murdered by teenage French ISIS. 
2016.05.15 Iraq Taji 14 21 A suicide bomb attack on a cooking gas factory leaves fourteen others dead. 
2016.05.15 Iraq Baghdad 28 Suicide bombers murder eight Iraqis. 
2016.05.15 Yemen Mukalla 41 60 Forty-one police recruits are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber. 
2016.05.15 Yemen Hadramawt Six police officers are disassembled by an ISIS bomber. 
2016.05.15 Egypt al-Arish Fundamentalists assassinate a young police recruit. 
2016.05.14 Iraq Amiriyat Fallujah 18 A wave of suicide bombers manage to take down only a half-dozen others. 
2016.05.14 Syria Qamishli 15 Terrorists kill six civilians with a car bomb. 
2016.05.14 Nigeria Ajaji Muslim 'nomads' attack three women, beheading one and leaving the others with deep machete wounds. 
2016.05.14 Bangladesh Bandarban An elderly Buddhist monk is hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists. 
2016.05.14 Afghanistan Nad Ali Three people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber. 
2016.05.14 Dagestan Derbent 15 Islamic State operatives open fire on police, killing two. 
2016.05.14 Syria Deir Ezzor 20 ISIS members assault a hospital, killing twenty inside. 
2016.05.14 Syria Raqqa A man is crucified in line with 'Quranic punishment'. 
2016.05.14 Pakistan Gomal A member of a peace committee is gunned down by religious extremists. 
2016.05.14 Thailand Sai Buri Muslim terrorists are thought responsible for slaying a 55-year-old man on his way home. 
2016.05.14 Somalia Aden Yabal Four tribal elders are executed by Islamic hardliners. 
2016.05.13 Iraq Balad Four guards at a vegetable market are turned to paste by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 
2016.05.13 Iraq Balad 16 20 Sixteen people at a café are machine-gunned by three Islamists for being soccer fans. 
2016.05.13 Iraq Mosul 11 Eleven civilians are executed by an ISIS firing squad for using cell phones. 
2016.05.13 Syria al-Zara 19 Nineteen religious minorities, including six women are butchered in their homes by al-Nusra. 
2016.05.13 Syria Aleppo Two children are among seven civilians pulled into pieces by Sunni shrapnel. 
2016.05.13 Nigeria Tarfi 60 11 Muslim terrorists raid a village and massacre sixty residents. 
2016.05.12 Iraq Abu Ghraib 10 Three others are killed by two ISIS suicide bombers. 
2016.05.12 Iraq Nineveh ISIS forces five civilians to shoot kneeling apostates in the head. 
2016.05.12 Yemen Mukalla 13 15 An ISIS suicide attack leaves thirteen dead. 
2016.05.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 19 A Fedayeen suicide bombing claims eight innocents. 
2016.05.12 Mali Gao Two local soldiers are killed by a Jihadist landmine and ambush. 
2016.05.12 Iraq Jarayshi 17 Seventeen Iraqis are blown to bits by suicide truck bombers. 
2016.05.12 Kenya Shamu A man is machine-gunned in his own living room by al-Shabaab. 
2016.05.11 Pakistan Faisalbad Three young women from the same family are shot dead by a conservative relative on suspicion of 'illicit relations'. 
2016.05.11 Yemen Hadramawt An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out four other people. 
2016.05.11 Iraq Sadr City 68 165 A suicide bomber targets a Shiite commercial district and slaughters over sixty near a beauty salon. 
2016.05.11 Iraq Kadhimiya 17 43 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates near a Shiite shrine, killing seventeen innocents. 
2016.05.11 Iraq Jamea 13 31 Over a dozen Iraqis are eliminated by a Shahid suicide bomber. 
2016.05.11 Nigeria Maiduguri Two bombings, one a suicide attack on a mosque, kill four people. 
2016.05.10 Israel Jerusalem Two elderly women are stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist. 
2016.05.10 Iraq Mahmoudiya Two civilians are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast at a market. 
2016.05.10 Iraq Baqubah Three truck drivers are stopped and summarily executed by caliphate advocates. 
2016.05.10 Nigeria Biu Boko Haram set fire to two villages, killing three residents. 
2016.05.10 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 15 Armed fundamentalists overrun two checkpoints and massacre fifteen policemen. 
2016.05.10 Iraq Qayyarah 45 Forty-five people are buried alive by the caliphate. 
2016.05.10 Pakistan Quetta Taliban bombers murder two guards outside a university. 
2016.05.10 Afghanistan Nazyan 11 22 Four children are among eleven blown to bits when a suicide bomber detonates outside a home. 
2016.05.10 Germany Grafing A man shouting praises to Allah stabs four commuters at a train station. 
2016.05.10 Iraq Riyadh Three children are among a family of five burned alive for trying to escape the caliphate. 
2016.05.09 Chechnya Grozny A local cop is killed by a suicide bomber. 
2016.05.09 Iraq Baqubah 16 54 An Islamic State suicide car bomb liberates sixteen souls outside a bakery, including children. 
2016.05.09 Iraq Mosul 11 Eleven "enemies of Allah" are executed by a Sharia court and thrown into a ditch. 
2016.05.09 Philippines Tubigan Islamic terrorists target and kill a 'Christian' soldier. 
2016.05.09 Pakistan Shrengal Suspected Islamist open fire on a car, killing four, including a woman. 
2016.05.09 Somalia Mogadishu Fedayeen suicide bombers murder four outside a police station. 
2016.05.09 Pakistan Lodhran A journalist is murdered by a Muslim family for helping one of their own marry by choice - contrary to Sharia. 
2016.05.08 Thailand Thanto A rubber tapper is gunned down by Muslim militants while on his way home. 
2016.05.08 Iraq Jeraishi A Shahid suicide bomber extinguishes five other lives. 
2016.05.08 Iraq Mosul Eight civilians are publicly executed by a Sharia court. 
2016.05.08 Saudi Arabia Taif Terrorists open fire on a police station, killing an officer. 
2016.05.08 Iraq Baghdad 11 A suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, taking six mourners with him. 
2016.05.08 Syria Aleppo 10 Two women and two children are killed when Sunni extremists shell their neighborhood. 
2016.05.08 Egypt Helwan Eight local cops are machine-gunned point-blank while sitting in a bus. 
2016.05.08 Uganda Mbaale A young woman is strangled by her husband for leaving Islam for Christianity. 
2016.05.08 Pakistan Gujaranwala A 14-year-old Christian is hanged, allegedly for his faith. 
2016.05.07 Syria Manbij Devout Muslims toss a gay man from a roof top. 
2016.05.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib A suicide bomber blows up himself and three others. 
2016.05.07 Iraq Madain 11 Jihadis set off a bomb at a football stadium, killing two spectators. 
2016.05.07 Afghanistan Kandahar Two NATO peacekeepers are shot in the back by Taliban in uniform. 
2016.05.07 Libya Benghazi 11 Five protesters are killed when suspected Islamists send shells into their demonstration. 
2016.05.07 Pakistan Karachi A Sufi religious minority is hacked to death by mainstream Islamists. 
2016.05.07 Bangladesh Rajshahi A Sufi leader is hacked to death by Islamists. 
2016.05.07 Pakistan Saddar A conservative family shoots two sisters for helping another elope. 
2016.05.07 Nigeria Coromo 12 18 Two women and three children are among a dozen villagers butchered by Fulani mercenaries. 
2016.05.07 Pakistan Karachi Two prominent Shiites, including a liberal rights activist, are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis. 
2016.05.07 Iraq Nasir 21 Six women and four children are among twenty-one civilians blown to bits by ISIS bombers. 
2016.05.07 Afghanistan Jani Khel Two local cops are kidnapped and murdered by religious extremists. 
2016.05.07 Afghanistan Khanqa An accused adulteress is forced to kneel, then shot in the head by Sharia enthusiasts. 
2016.05.06 DRC Ituri 13 Thirteen innocents are hacked to death by the Muslim Defense International. 
2016.05.06 Iraq Abu Ghraib 13 Mujahideen bombers dismantle three innocents 
2016.05.06 Pakistan Miryali Two Shiite school teachers are shot dead in a targeted attack. 
2016.05.06 Pakistan Di Khan Two Shiite lawyers are gunned down in a targeted attack. 
2016.05.06 India Kupwara Islamic terrorists murder a border guard. 
2016.05.06 Bangladesh Satkhira The caretaker for a Hindu temple is stabbed to death by a Muslim gang. 
2016.05.06 Yemen Marib 15 Seven patrons are left dead after suspected fundamentalists bomb a market selling qat. 
2016.05.06 Syria Deir Ezzor Five civilians are executed by the caliphate for apostasy. 
2016.05.06 DRC Biane Four people are hacked to death by ADF Islamists. 
2016.05.06 Afghanistan Zabul Four small children from the same family are vaporized by Taliban bombers. 
2016.05.05 Syria Raqqa A 7-year-old boy is executed in the public square by a Sharia court for 'insulting divinity'. 
2016.05.05 Libya Zamzam Five people at are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber. 
2016.05.05 Syria Homs 12 49 A dozen people are modularized by a pair of Fedayeen suicide bombers, including four children and three women. 
2016.05.05 Afghanistan Qadis Fundamentalists take out five civilians with a remote-controlled bomb. 
2016.05.05 Turkey Kilis A 5-year-old girl bleeds to death following an ISIS rocket attack on her neighborhood. 
2016.05.05 Iraq Haswa 14 Five mourners are killed by a bomb planted at a graveyard. 
2016.05.04 Iraq Mosqul Five girls are pulled from their homes and executed after their families could not pay a special tax to the caliph. 
2016.05.04 Syria Khween 15 Four children are among fifteen civilians murdered by Jabhat al-Nusra. 
2016.05.04 Nigeria Zamfara 10 Muslim terrorists slaughter ten villagers in their homes. 
2016.05.04 Syria Aleppo al-Nusra militants take out three family members with a rocket attack on their home. 
2016.05.04 Iraq Hawija ISIS bombers pick off four civilians trying to flee the caliphate. 
2016.05.03 Iraq Yusufiya Two people lose their lives when Mujahid bombers target a vegetable market. 
2016.05.03 DRC Beni 34 ADF Islamists hack and slash thirty-four Christian villagers to death in their own homes, including eight women and four children. 
2016.05.03 Iraq Tal Afar Five women are executed by the Islamic State. 
2016.05.03 Cameroon Mora A 14-year-old girl is killed when a suicide bomber goes off next to her. 
2016.05.03 Syria Aleppo 45 al-Nusra fire 60 mortars into a Christian residential area, killing nine innocents. 
2016.05.03 Bangladesh Chuadanga Islamists toss a bomb into the home of a Christian family. 
2016.05.02 Thailand Tak Bai Muslim bombers kill the member of a local security patrol. 
2016.05.02 Pakistan Thakal Bala 18 Terrorists toss a hand grenade into a rival mosque. 
2016.05.02 Iraq Baghdad 18 45 Eighteen Shiite pilgrims are reduced to pulp by a Sunni car bomb. 
2016.05.02 Syria Aleppo 17 Sunni Radicals fire a rocket at a hospital, killing three women. 
2016.05.02 Iraq Mosul Four young Yazidi women are dragged to the public square and shot in the head for trying to escape sex slavery. 
2016.05.02 Iraq Baghdad Three more Shiite pilgrims are taken out by Sunni bombers. 
2016.05.01 Nigeria Fadan Karshi A man and his nephew are shot in the head in their own home by Fulani terrorists. 
2016.05.01 Turkey Gaziantep 23 An ISIS suicide car bombers detonates at a police station, killing two officers. 
2016.05.01 Iraq Samawa 38 86 Several children are among over three dozen dead when two suicide car bomb blasts go off in different areas. 
2016.05.01 Syria Raqqa Four teenagers are beheaded by the Islamic State. 
2016.05.01 Yemen Aden Five people are taken down by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber. 
2016.05.01 Somalia Runirgood 22 10 Twenty-two defenders of a small town are killed during an al-Shabaab attack that began with a suicide bomber. 
2016.04.30 Iraq Dora 23 48 A Sunni suicide bomber sends two dozen Shiite pilgrims straight to Allah. 
2016.04.30 Pakistan Oghi A woman is honor killed by her family over a sexual affair. 
2016.04.30 Bangladesh Gopalpur A Hindu tailor is hacked to death for 'slurring the Prophet'. 
2016.04.30 Syria Aleppo 25 Over two dozen civilians are exterminated by an al-Nusra mortar attack on their neighborhood. 
2016.04.30 Nigeria Dadawa A man and his daughter are burnt alive in their church by Boko Haram. 
2016.04.29 Iraq Baiji 11 12 Four suicide car bombers kill eleven Iraqis. 
2016.04.29 Iraq Makhoul Three local cops are taken out by an ISIS suicide bomber. 
2016.04.29 Syria Aleppo 15 30 At least fifteen worshippers are killed when Sunnis shell a rival mosque during Friday prayers. 
2016.04.29 Dagestan Shamil A retired man is murdered by suspected Islamists. 
2016.04.28 Pakistan Donga Gali Fifteen members of a jirga council 'honor kill' a 16-year-old girl by burning her alive in a van for helping a couple elope. 
2016.04.28 Syria Manbij Two young men are beheaded by ISIS. 
2016.04.28 Syria Aleppo 43 Terrorists shell an Armenian district, killing six residents. 
2016.04.28 Afghanistan Herat Suspected Taliban shoot a man to death and wound his 7-year-old son. 
2016.04.28 Pakistan Fareed A teenage girl is beaten and then stabbed to death after disregarding her conservative brother's instructions not to talk to boys. 
2016.04.28 Afghanistan Laghman The Taliban kill five local cops in two separate terror attacks. 
2016.04.28 Thailand Yala A Muslim bomb targeting military engineers on a humanitarian mission leaves one dead. 
2016.04.28 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu A Shiite militia sniper picks off a teenager from a distance. 
2016.04.28 Iraq Mosul A Christian girl is burned alive in her home when her family is unable to pay jizya. 
2016.04.27 Afghanistan Mehtarlam A police officer turns fundamentalist and shoot three others in the back. 
2016.04.27 Iraq Mosul 28 Twenty-eight civilians are executed for trying to flee the caliphate. 
2016.04.27 Iraq Mahmoudiya Two patrons are laid out by a Mujahideen bomb blast at a popular market. 
2016.04.27 Pakistan Shopian Islamic militants gun down a shopkeeper. 
2016.04.27 Egypt al-Arish Three local cops are brought down by an al-Qaeda affiliate. 
2016.04.27 Syria Aziziye 25 Four innocents lose their lives to Sunni shrapnel. 
2016.04.27 Pakistan Pir Mahal A Christian boy is lynched for flirting with a Muslim girl. 
2016.04.26 Somalia Baidoa 13 Islamists fire an RPG into a government convoy, killing eight occupants. 
2016.04.26 Syria al-Zahra 19 120 Sunni hardliners pour rocket fire into a small town, killing at least sixteen civilians - including children. 
2016.04.26 Philippines Jolo The severed head of a Canadian retiree is found seven months after his capture by Abu Sayyaf. 
2016.04.26 Iraq Faysaliya Seven civilians are reportedly drowned in metal cages by a Sharia court. 
2016.04.25 Iraq Baghdad 32 An ISIS suicide bomber massacres seven people in a shopping district. 
2016.04.25 Syria Aleppo Two civilians are reduced to rubble by a Sunni rocket attack on a café district. 
2016.04.25 Thailand Yala Two rubber traders are gunned down by Muslim terrorists. 
2016.04.25 Iraq Baghdad 11 39 Eleven people standing outside a cinema in a Shiite district are eliminated by Sunni extremists. 
2016.04.25 Thailand Narathiwat 11 A 33-year-old dies from wounds following a Muslim bomb blast. 
2016.04.25 Iraq Tahrir A family of seven, including two women and a 6-year-old, are pulled from their home and shot in the head by Islamic State loyalists. 
2016.04.25 Iraq Mosul Four young people are arrested at a university and then burned alive by caliphate members. 
2016.04.25 Bangladesh Kashimpur A man is shot in front of a pharmacy at close range by Islamic militants. 
2016.04.25 Nigeria Enugu 48 60 Forty-eight people are reported dead after Muslim terrorists attack their village, hacking, shooting, and burning their homes and church. 
2016.04.25 Iraq Salahiya Three women are executed for refusing to blow themselves up at a refugee camp. 
2016.04.25 Syria Sayyida Zeinab 42 A car bomb strikes a Shiite mosque, killing six bystanders. 
2016.04.25 Bangladesh Dhaka A gay rights magazine editor is stabbed to death along with a companion by five men shouting praises to Allah. 
2016.04.24 Iraq Roufa Six Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 
2016.04.24 Iraq Baghdad Suicide bombers kill two guards outside a rival mosque. 
2016.04.24 Turkey Kilis 26 Two civilians are torn to shreds by an ISIS rocket. 
2016.04.24 Syria Aleppo 11 al-Qaeda linked militant send mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing eleven. 
2016.04.24 Afghanistan Helmand Two lives are extinguished by a Shahid suicide bomber. 
2016.04.24 Yemen Mukalla 14 Seven security personnel are blown up by al-Qaeda bombers. 
2016.04.24 Nigeria Alau 30 Thirty herdsmen and their families are massacred by Boko Haram. 
2016.04.24 Thailand Yala Muslim 'insurgents' gun down a guard at a bank. 
2016.04.23 Bangladesh Tungipara A 75-year-old Hindu is stabbed to death over his religion by a young Muslim. 
2016.04.23 Iraq Mosul Two women are dragged to a market and executed by ISIS. 
2016.04.23 Iraq Garma 15 Four locals are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber. 
2016.04.23 Syria Idlib A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders four rivals. 
2016.04.23 Bangladesh Rajshahi An 'atheist' professor is hacked to death by Islamists. 
2016.04.23 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 A suicide car bomber successfully kills ten Iraqis. 
2016.04.23 Libya Brega A guard at an oil plant is gunned down by ISIS. 
2016.04.23 Syria Damascus A woman bleeds out following a Sunni mortar attack on a refugee camp. 
2016.04.23 Iraq Baghdad A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out four souls in a suburb. 
2016.04.22 Iraq Mosul 161 One-hundred and sixty-one more Yazidi women and girls than previously reported are executed for refusing sex slavery. 
2016.04.22 Syria Raqqa Video shows fundamentalists beheading a man with a necklace bomb. 
2016.04.22 Iraq Dukok Three Yazidi sex slaves are killed trying to flee captivity. 
2016.04.22 Syria Raqqa A magician is beheaded by the Islamic State. 
2016.04.22 Iraq Abu Ghraib Islamist bombers murder two people. 
2016.04.22 Iraq Baghdad 25 At least nine worshippers at a Shiite mosque are blown to bits by a Sunni suicide bomber. 
2016.04.22 Pakistan Pir Baba A Sikh activist is assassinated by Islamists. 
2016.04.22 Turkey Kilis An ISIS rocket claims the lives of four people, including a 14-year-old boy. 
2016.04.21 Somalia Baay al-Shabaab bombers take out six AU peacekeepers. 
2016.04.21 Iraq Ramadi ISIS members booby-trap the homes of civilians, killing six. 
2016.04.21 Afghanistan Kunar Two local cops are murdered by Taliban bombers. 
2016.04.21 Nigeria Banki Two women and their babies are among seven people exterminated by two suicide bombers at a refugee camp. 
2016.04.21 Iraq Madain Two people at a café lose their lives to Mujahid bombers. 
2016.04.21 Iraq Baghdad 20 A half-dozen Iraqis are shot or blown up in a series of attacks by Muslim terrorists. 
2016.04.20 Iraq Baghdad Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing two patrons. 
2016.04.20 Nigeria Zango 11 Boko Haram gunmen fire into a village, then at fleeing residents, taking out eleven. 
2016.04.20 Iraq Mosul Sharia proponents throw five accused homosexuals to their deaths from the roof of a building. 
2016.04.20 Pakistan Orangi Islamic militants brutally murder seven guards for an polio vaccination team. 
2016.04.20 Syria Yarmouk 20 Twenty Palestinians at a refugee camp are reportedly beheaded by ISIS. 
2016.04.20 Syria Aleppo Sunni snipers pick off a Shiite woman. 
2016.04.20 Thailand Songkhla 11 A 62-year-old is killed, and an 11-year-old boy is among the injured, when Muslim militants set off a bomb at a grocery. 
2016.04.20 Egypt Sinai 12 Beit Ansar al-Maqdis members fire a missile at a police convoy, killing six officers. 
2016.04.20 Iraq Ramadi 40 Women and children are among forty victims of Islamic State execution found in a mass grave. 
2016.04.20 Iraq Nineveh 14 Seven employees at a police station and seven more at a market are executed by caliphate members. 
2016.04.20 Iraq Hawija An 11-year-old girl is among two Yazidi girls killed while trying to escape caliphate sex slavery. 
2016.04.19 Uganda Kanginima A 22-year-old Christian woman is beaten and gang-raped in a targeted attack by followers of a local imam. 
2016.04.19 Thailand Songkhla 11 A child is among the casualties of an Islamic 'separatist' bomb blast outside a grocery store. 
2016.04.19 Iraq Baghdad Jihadis set off a bomb outside a row of shops, killing two passersby. 
2016.04.19 Pakistan Dhok Lona A conservative Muslims shoots his own daughter and three other family members to death in an honor killing. 
2016.04.19 Iraq Makhmour 13 18 Thirteen Kurds are killed following an ISIS chemical attack. 
2016.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 64 347 Over sixty are killed when religious extremists stage a massive attack on a government building that begins with a suicide bombing. 
2016.04.19 Pakistan Mardan 23 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out one person at a tax office. 

Because the list is so long I cannot fit it on one page so please follow the link here for the rest

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