'Face the Nation' Leaves OutNetanyahu's Criticism of Obama

Web-only for complete story 

Anyone watching Sunday's broadcast of Face the Nation on CBS did not hear critical comments about President Obama from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Those were edited out and sequestered to CBS's website, leaving only the positive comments aired.
What Americans heard as they sat in front of their televisions Sunday morning was Netanyahu's positive comments about his relationship with Obama over images of the two leaders smiling in one another's presence. In describing his relationship with the president, Netanyahu said:
Actually, it's quite good. We had a conversation, I don't want to say like an old married couple, but the president said that he's had more meetings with me than with any other foreign leader. I think you get to a point of mutual respect, you cut to the chase very quickly. You talk about the real things, openly, as is befitting of real allies. I think we have a relationship of mutual respect, and mutual appreciation.  
Here's the clip of what aired:

But on CBSNews.com, the clip that did not air showed sharp criticisms from both leaders. 
Host Bob Schieffer pointed out that after a meeting last week between Netanyahu and Obama, the White House released a statement saying if Israel "goes forward with new settlements in East Jerusalem, [they will] risk the condemnation of even [their] closest allies." 
A "baffled" Netanyahu responded:
"Well first of all, I had a very good meeting with the president and I was baffled by this statement because it doesn't really reflect American values. What we are being criticized for is that some Jewish residents of Jerusalem bought apartments legally from Arabs in a predominately Arab neighborhood and this is seen as a terrible thing. 
Netanyahu explains that "thousands of Arabs" do the same thing, buying up apartments in West Jerusalem. "Nobody says you can't do that," Netanyahu said. He went on to liken this to someone in America saying Jews aren't allowed to buy apartments in a certain area. "Their would be an uproar," he said. 
Reiterating that he was "baffled" by the White House's statement, Netanyahu said:
It's against the American values and it doesn't bode well for peace.
Here is the web-only clip via CBS: