Tuesday, August 5, 2014

John Kerry

Secretary “Pee Wee” – John Kerry Pictured Riding Pink Girls’ Bicycle Last Weekend In Nantucket…

Is it really any wonder why Netanyahu and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi tell Secretary Kerry to stay out of the grown up issues?

kerry on pink bicycle
I mean seriously, is there a better representation of how effeminate and metrosexual most male liberals are? And that doesn’t even elicit the conversation about how optics of a representative international figurehead can be broadcast throughout the world.
As if, someone couldn’t/wouldn’t say: “um, hey John, you might want to reconsider this before heading out in public“…..  Because if you’re comfortable riding a pink girls bicycle in chinos and Jesus Adidas during an errand run, well, you might just be a little too comfortable with the Hello Kitty backpack.    Here’s your sign !
Someone, anyone, please put the grown-ups back in charge.  This is really getting embarrassing.

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