Monday, April 21, 2014

The Little Green Book of Eco Fascism

Posted By Ed Driscoll On April 20, 2014 @ 8:36 pm In Capitalismthe Unknown Ideal,God And Man At Dupont University,Liberal Fascism,OhThat Liberal Media!,Podcasts,The Future and its Enemies,The New Puritans,The Return of the Primitive | 1 Comment
“I’m not a scientist and actually given what I’ve seen of scientists in my experiences following the global warming scam, I’m glad I’m not a scientist because a lot of these guys are basically shysters and crooks. They’re not some kind of white-coated elite with a special hotline to the truth. In fact, they’re just ordinary guys and girls trying to earn a living like the rest of us but slightly more dodgily than the rest of us in the one or two egregious cases,” James Delingpole of, the UK Spectator and the executive editor the newly launched Breitbart London tells me in our latest interview. And that’s one of the kinder things that the author of The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism:  The Left’s Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs, and Hike Your Taxes has to say on the subject. He’ll also discuss:
● If Mark Steyn loses his lawsuit to Michael Mann, who gets the top bunk in their cell at the Global Warming Stalag, James or Mark?
● The concept of the “Friendly Lawsuit,” and how it helps to explain that the left is nothing but Potemkin Villages, all the way down.
● Prying open “The Drawbridge Effect” to see what’s inside Al Gore’s and Thomas Friedman’s mansions.
● How can the media alternately tell us the world is coming to an end in five years if we don’t radically change our lifestyles, then cheerfully promote high-carbon footprint pro sports, such as the NFL and NASCAR?
● What’s the background behind the big “Climategate” scandal of 2009, and where does it stands today?
● How James both discovered American politics while living in England and joined the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
And much more. Click here to listen:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
(27 minutes, 5 seconds long; 24.7 MB file size. Want to download instead of streaming? Right click here to download this interview to your hard drive. Or right click here to download the 7.72 MB lo-fi edition.)
Note that there was a bit of distortion in the first minute or two of our interview, as I had my recording program initially dialed up to 11 in anticipation of the long distance call. I used my trusty Izotope RX application to clean up most of it, but traces of it remain. After the first minute or so, the sound quality settles down nicely.
If the above Flash audio player is not be compatible with your browser, click on the video player below, or click here to be taken directly to YouTube, for an audio-only YouTube clip. Between one of those versions, you should find a format that plays on your system.
Transcript of our interview begins on the following page; for our many previous podcasts, start here and keep scrolling.

MR. DRISCOLL:  This is Ed Driscoll for PJ, and we’re spanning the Atlantic today to speak with James Delingpole of, the UK Spectator and the executive editor the newly launched Breitbart London. James is also the author of The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism:   The Left’s Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs, and Hike Your Taxes! It’s published by Regenery, and available from and your local bookstore. And James, thanks for stopping by today.
MR. DELINGPOLE:  Ed, thank you for having me on your show.
MR. DRISCOLL:  James, to follow up your recent interview at Ricochet with Mark Steyn, if Mark loses his lawsuit to Michael Mann, who gets the top bunk in your cell at the Global Warming Stalag, you or Mark?
MR. DELINGPOLE:  It really will be as if the apocalypse has come if the appalling Michael Mann wins the case against ‑‑ I mean it would be a bit like “Paradise Lost” revisited so that Satan somehow defeats God.  I mean I’m not sure whether Mark Steyn would be comfortable being called God, exactly.
MR. DRISCOLL:  I think he could handle that!
MR. DELINGPOLE:  But I think the stakes here are pretty high.  What we have is the most egregious and disgraceful example ‑‑ and this happens a lot, I’m afraid ‑‑ of the scientific and political establishment closing ranks to hide the truth from the little people.  And the truth is basically this:  there has been no global warming ‑‑ no global warming since 1997 or possibly 1996, depending on who you ask.  And yet, all the predictions, projections, as they’re known, of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, up until now, all of them have predicted ‑‑ have been based on man-made global warming theory which is that as anthropogenic CO2 levels increase, so inexorably will the world’s temperature and eventually, we’ll all fry, the ice caps will melt, the baby polar bears will drown and so will Tuvalu and the Maldives and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Now, the fact is that there has been this massive pause in global warming which suggests that anthropogenic global warming theory is a busted flush, which would suggest that the billions, if not trillions, of dollars which our governments have diverted on our behalf from our pockets, as taxpayers, have diverted to causes like Solyndra, for example, to building wind farms all over America and Britain which chump up bats and birds including your national bird, the bald eagle, these environmentalists who are supposedly saving the planet for so-called future generations are actually destroying the planet and destroying the economy and it is a massive scandal.  I would say it’s the biggest scientific scandal in history and probably the biggest economic scandal in history as well.

Please visit PJ Media site for the whole piece:

Interview: James Delingpole on The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism


Ed Driscoll said...

Hi there,

Thank you for the link, and we're glad you enjoyed the interview! But could you please change your post from a cut and paste of my entire 4000+word article, to just a few paragraphs and a link asking the readers to read the rest, and to hear my interview with Mr. Delingpole at its original location?



Ed Driscoll
San Jose Editor

jerry said...

Have changed as requested. Will follow your request in the future.